Equaliser Mentorship Program powered by Morgan Stanley

Equaliser Foundation (Egyenlítő Alapítvány) is working to support women to get into leadership positions, announced its first mentoring program with the name #insteadofflowers during its annual Women’s Day Conference in 2022.  Graduates and university students got the opportunity meet at least once with experienced female role models who are members or part of the Foundation’s network. 40 mentor-mentee couples had inspirational meetings, shared their knowledge and built networks.

Based on this positive experience we decided to start a well-established mentor program in 2023. A program where mentors and mentees work together during a period of time, towards a specific mentoring objective.

In 2023, within the program, 50 mentor-mentee pairs participated in collaborative work for nearly 8 months.

Hungary has one of the lowest levels of female representation in company leadership roles in the EU with 10.5% compared to 31.6% EU average (EIGE, 2022) and our mission is to help strengthen our position through a new mentorship programme. In order to drive change it is important for those organisations based in Hungary, who are dedicated to gender equality, to collaborate and support female talent to become leaders.

To make this happen, we are aiming to connect 75 mentors with mentees and build a platform where shared experiences, knowledge and networks will help to develop the next cohort of female leaders in Hungary. Equaliser will be there every step of the way, providing the guidance and framework to ensure the mentoring program is a success for everyone participating.



In 2024 we aim to involve female talent in the program, who

  • work at organisations in Hungary, where gender equality is a priority,
  • are participating in talent programmes or leadership programmes of their companies,
  • already have a few years of work experience ,
  • have a certain professional topic where mentoring could help them to progress further.


Similarly to the last year’s initiative, we count on the experienced members of the Equaliser Foundation as mentors and we believe in their dedication to contribute to the development of the next generations. We also happily accept mentor applications from the leaders of the partnering corporations to have mentees from different organisations.


  • 8 month long mentoring process with 6 meetings
  • Experienced mentors who will receive help from the Foundation to prepare for the mentoring
  • mentoring is available in Hungarian and English languages
  • guide for mentors and mentees
  • in person opening and closing events with workshops and opportunities to build networks
  • online consulting occasions to learn and resolve potential barriers
  • opportunities to attend on some events organised by the Equaliser Foundation

Our Mentors

Executive Director, Morgan Stanley

Knowledge Management Officer, UNICEF

Working at a UN agency in the intersection of communication and innovation has been an incredibly fulfilling journey for me. The challenges I’ve encountered, and the highs and lows have all contributed to my personal growth.

I’ve been fortunate to have exceptional mentors who supported me along the way, enabling me to find a role where I can contribute to a cause I deeply believe in.

Now, I aspire to pay it forward by becoming a mentor myself. Guiding others, sharing knowledge, and empowering them to reach their full potential—these are the cornerstones of effective mentorship. As I embark on this new chapter, I recognize that mentorship is a reciprocal process; I’ll learn just as much from my mentees as they will from me.


I led teams since my college days, and at the age of 23 I became the manager of a restaurant of 50 employees. I experienced the difficulties of leading a team at a young age. I wish I had a mentor those days, who could have helped me see situations from the outside, my own behaviour, my impact on others, and could have given me some useful practical advice or asked questions to discover what to do differently.

At the end of my multinational career, as HR Director of a large company, I experienced what it is like to be a woman working in a male-dominated international senior leadership environment, achieving results. Besides being a leader I wanted to be a parent who cares and loves and I did not want to sacrifice my relationship with my daughter for a career. I owe my leadership development much more to a deeper self-awareness and this is the approach I take when I support others.

I work as a business and personal coach for six years and I study to become a psychologist. I use diverse methods to find the real drivers and blocks of personal growth. Even in 6-8 sessions, great progress can be made through openness and honesty. Difficulties in childhood, being different can be turned into advantage.

Organizational Transformation Manager (previously HRBP), KPMG Global Services Hungary

I am Judit Beregszászi, HR Professional and Psychology student. I am a citizen of the world, travel fanatic, nature lover, adventure seeker, status quo challenger, non-quitter, who gives her everything, sport lover with a healthy lifestyle, self-driven, resilient, accepting, with an eclectic personality. On many occasions, I had to rely on my own strength and stamina to overcome life experiences, and I am often told that people look up to me and gain inspiration from me. Based on this, I decided to believe them, and I proactively seek opportunities where I can consciously give back to others, and help them achieve something in certain areas of life.

Head of Corporate Finance, Credit Management Group

I studied economics and have bachelor and master degrees in Foreign Trade, Finance and Banking. Currently I work as consultant for a British Investment Company . I have been worked for more than 25 years in several manager and executive positions. I have started my career in OTP’s Treasury department, after that joined to Hypovereinsbank for the Corporate Banking division and had several leader positions. After the birth of my 2. child I have joined to Commerzbank Group, where spent a few years in Corporate Banking then I implemented the business modell for Cash Management and International Business what I lead as Managing Director. In 2011 I have was promoted to the Country Manager position at Commerzbank in Czech Republic. After my return to Hungary I became Corporate Board Member with responsibility for all business divisions. Until the end of the sale and migration project of Commerzbank Art. I have had this position. Besides my experience in Commercial Bank I am certified coach and action learning team coach. Reg. my motivation for mentoring: I am confident, that besides coaching the mentoring is the best method for developing of future’s leaders. Leader’s Experience can be acquired during several years. I believe that with mentoring time, efforts and money can be saved and leadership programs can benefit of it.

Marketing Account Manager, Hungerian Interchurch Aid

I am a project manager/team leader with more than two decades of working experience at large companies and in international environment.

My focuses are corporate communications, employer branding, internal communications, event management and I am also experienced in crisis communication. My main strengths are strategic planning, project management and human relations. According to my creed, anyone is capable of miracles if we see the person behind the workforce.

I have met a lot of talented young people – and many of them lacked a more experienced colleague who could have supported them in thinking through a more difficult professional task or during a challenging personal moment. Fortunately, in my life, there was not one but many superior or colleague who helped me overcome these moments. I can also thank them that today I am doing work that I can put my heart and soul into without burning out.

I believe that this knowledge is needed today more than ever – to always find joy and challenge in a task, without it consuming you.

Bujdosó Andrea

DE&I expert, Andition.eu

I consider it my mission to promote equal opportunities in society, including the promotion of women in leadership positions. Mentoring is one of the most important ways to achieve this. With my experience and knowledge, I hope to be able to show women ways that will make them more fulfilled and happier in their careers.

Álomjövő Tanácsadó Iroda

Managing Director, Motivation mapping expert and accreditation trainer – VIP Coaching Center Kft.

Happier, more motivated people = bigger performance = Better world. It is possible to have them all at the same time. I develop people, leaders, teams to find their motivation and their reason in their job, and to get to their full self-realization and full performance, contributing their maximum potential to the world. – over 20 years multinational experience, working in regional, global, & matrix coordination set-ups – 16 years top manager experience, with companies in crisis situation or in start up phase and turning them to profitable, successful and respected companies

Interim Global Head of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion / Lead DE&I Specialist, Grundfos

I’m Dora Deak, currently interim Global Head of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Lead DE&I Specialist at Grundfos, where we look after approx. 60 countries with my team. Additionaly, I’m also member of the Inclusive Product Advisory Council at Microsoft.
I’d happily contribute to someone’s career with any experience (eg living in 8 different countries or working in a manufacturing company as a woman), knowledge (eg. barriers for women to enter a leadership position) or soft skills I have (eg. active listening).
I’m looking forward to meeting my mentee and learning about and from them.

Trainer, coach, organisational development consultant, Agora Institute

I am Réka Dézsi, mother, supporter, coach and trainer. Years ago, the atmosphere in the delivery room “infected” me, triggered changes in my system that changed my beliefs, my world view, my life, my way of thinking, my mindset. Over the years, I have moved from the duality of judgement to the power of neutrality, breaking down my own taboos, examining the ones in the society . I developped a methodology to help those who come to me, whether they are in a personal or business stalemate. In the meantime, my babies are slowly crossing the magic threshold of adulthood and I feel I can now help others in my time freed up. I believe deeply and viscerally in equality between people, in freedom, acceptance, non-expectation and cooperation. I want to be part of the process of helping women’s self-worth to its rightful place. Thank you for the opportunity.

Vezető – MVÜK Női Vezetői Klub 

A Magyar Vállalatvezetők Üzleti Közössége (MVÜK) Női Vezetői Klubjának vezetője vagyok, a YourStory.hu integrált marketing- és kommunikációs ügynökség alapítója és vezetője.

Szenvedélyes kommunikátor és hálózatépítő. Célom, hogy a cégeket és vezetőiket – kiemelten a női vezetőket – támogassam abban, hogy el tudják mondani történetüket, stratégiájukat és küldetésüket és így hatékonyan érjék el céljaikat. 25+ év vezetői és szakmai tapasztalattal rendelkezem a PricewaterhouseCoopers, majd a KPMG marketing, kommunikációs szakembereként a magyar piacon, Közép-Kelet Európában és még bővebb nemzetközi szinten. 10+ éven át a KPMG közép-kelet európai marketing- kommunikációs és tudásmenedzsment igazgatójaként 19 országot vezettem. A YourStory.hu integrált marketing- és kommunikációs ügynökség alapítója és vezetője vagyok. Hiszek a jól megtervezett, és pontosan célzott kommunikáció erejében, legyen az online vagy offline, és az emberi kapcsolatokban, amelyeket jól kiegészíthetnek és támogathatnak az online eszközök.

Immár 4 éve a Magyar Vállalatvezetők Üzleti Közössége (MVÜK) Női Vezetői Klubjának vezetőjeként stratégiám kiemelt fókusza a hölgyvezetők, női vállalkozók, startupperek támogatása. Azért szeretnék mentorálni, mert hiszem, hogy a tudás- és tapasztalatmegosztás exponenciális fejlődési pályára állítja a menteeket. Jó esetben flow élményt nyújt, pozitív spirált indít el mind a mentee, mind a mentor számára.

Az Egyenlítő Alapítvány és a United Way Magyarország kuratóriumainak tagjaként is dolgozom. Startupokat mentorálok, a Design Terminál, és a Tőkeportál mentorcsapatában is aktív szerepet vállalok. A Bátor Tábor jótékonysági futója vagyok a 17 éves fiammal együtt, jógázom, kajakozom és golfozom.

Customer Activation Manager

24 év multinacionális környezetben eltöltött év alatt sok és sokféle szakmai kihívással találkoztam, mindeközben people vezetőként is helyt kellett állnom. Az egyre gyorsabban változó környezet megtanított arra, hogy folyamatosan szükség van a fejlődésre, a tanulásra, az új utak keresésére. Az elmúlt években belső tréner és mentor szerepet is vállaltam, emellett a céges kultúrát erősítő, vállalati elkötelezettséget támogató kezdeményezéseket fogom össze. Mentorként mindezt a tudást, tapasztalatot szeretném átadni a mentor program során.

CEO – Profirent

Many years proven experience in several fields – financial, management – with different ownership structure (munltinational, venture capital etc.)

Mentoring is a special realationship, where I can give other aspects , which could help to another person, using my life and work experience, I am happy to do that.

chairman of the board of trustees, Női Váltó Alapítvány

My current mission, via Női Váltó (“Women in Change”) Foundation, is to help empower women to succeed and live their best lives. Women supporting women is a major part of how we can achieve this. Previously, I worked for over 25 years at multinational companies in Hungary, Belgium, Luxembourg and England. I started out as a legal advisor at PwC, then moved into general counsel roles in the aviation sector, which is traditionally male-dominated industry – air cargo in particular. It was there that I was appointed as an executive responsible for HR, Legal and Compliance – and thus became the first-ever female executive committee member in the 50-year history of the company. There and then I experienced how breaking the glass ceiling within such a company can have a huge positive impact on female colleagues. I had always happily advised younger colleagues when they asked for my counsel, but in my exec role I felt a stronger moral imperative to mentor younger colleagues more regularly. I can say that I truly enjoyed these conversations. I have found them mutually inspiring and it always gave me great pleasure to hear about their successes. It took me a while to find my own voice and authentic leadership style. It took me a while to believe that I am good enough and I deserve to be where I am. I would like to share my experience and my journey to help younger women find their own paths and navigate it more easily. I also believe in the value of reverse mentoring and lifelong learning and I look forward to a mutually enriching mentoring experience.

lawyer, mediator, executive coach, trainer, organizational ombuds, conflict expert, the founder of the National Mediator Office and the Conflict Center

I believe that we can change the conflict management culture in Hungary with a high level of professional cooperation and broad social education.

My mission is to make people familiar with mediation and alternative conflict management solutions, in order to have peaceful, long-term solutions and win-win cooperations – instead of infuriating disputes and exhausting, costly lawsuits.

With 25+ years of professional experience in business development and crisis management, I help my business clients with comprehensive company diagnostics to successfully uncover the root of problems and remedy conflicts that weaken the organization.
I teach mediation and alternative conflict management techniques at several universities.

In addition to mediation, I deal with executive and team coaching&development, restorative conflict management and organizational ombuds activities.

My focus is on the restoration of communication, the mapping of conflicts arising from personality dynamics with solution focus, improving human relationships, helping to find a new point of view and move forward on the path of development.

With the establishment of the National Mediator Office, we have created a professional platform where we welcome those, who are involved in conflict management, needed a training, practice workshops and a Mediator Club community. In our Conflict Center we have a team of experts from several helping professions available to those who are stuck in conflict management and need support.

Social education is important to me, so as a mentor I am happy to share my knowledge with those who are interested in this kind of development.

Group Legal Director – Magyar Telekom

I have been a lawyer for 19 years and a leader for 10 years. As a lawyer, I have always considered equal treatment as granted, and I felt all kinds of discrimination revolting. As a leader, I aim to assess everyone by their competence and performance. I feel a strong responsibility in recognizing unconscious bias; and in ensuring that equal opportunity is not a mere written principle but is applied in everyday practice. Leading by example is important for me. I fight not only against explicit offensiveness and vulgarity, but also against substantively sexist acts that are otherwise intended as good-faith or kind. I trust that mentoring would allow me to support a woman at another company in their own career path, while I would get impulses that would otherwise not reach me in my everyday working environment. I also consider my participation in the mentorship program as an expression of my personal commitment.

lawyer, Dr. Tömösvári Ügyvédi Iroda

Within the course of my career as a lawyer-economist, I have had the chance to gain deep knowledge both within the public and the private sector. Within the past 21 years I have been focusing on the area of corporate and labor law, first as head of legal and Hr department, nowadays as a lawyer. I assist my clients in finding a suitable legal solution for their questions or problems, using the power of conscious forward-looking thinking together based on communication. My goal is to share my knowledge and experience.

founder, Uránia Medical Center

My name is Dr. Noemi Tomosvari. I am a lawyer-economist and founder of Urania Medical Center. I believe it is essential to pass on the knowledge I have acquired throughout my career, so that the next generation can build on and learn from previous successes. At any stage of a career, it is valuable to have an experienced voice to encourage, empathize, and provide council when faced with difficulties and challenges. I personally had several mentors from whom I have learned a lot, and would like to play that role for others as they find their own paths.

Leadership and Transformative Team Coach, ICF Foundation Ambassador

I have 20+ years of experience in multinational companies as a Consultant, Project Manager and Product Owner leading various teams and working with diverse cultures and clients.

I am enthusiastic about empowering personal learning based on strengths, and how to optimize team and organizational learning at the same time. Working on large scale learning systems helped me to develop a systemic approach. Coaching helped me to develop an empathetic approach. And working with high performing teams helped me to feel the force of cooperation. I believe that these are the essences for successful team transformations.

I am passionate about accelerating social impact through coaching. I actively build partnerships among different stakeholders in the business world, in the coaching profession, and in the social sector.

In 2023, I served as the CSR Director at the ICF (International Coaching Federation) Hungarian Chapter. Currently, I am supporting Social Impact projects and mentoring Project Managers globally as an Ambassador for the ICF Foundation.

I believe in equal opportunities, not only between men and women, but also in other areas that may appear unequal, not just in leadership roles, but in other areas of life as well.

I have numerous personal experiences of what it’s like to be in the minority, and how one can achieve acceptance and recognition from this minority status. As a female amateur sailor, I often encountered strange smiles, which turned into recognizing and partnering connections through performance and results.

country manager, The Coca-Cola Company

Ewelina Zawadzka has been recently appointed Country Manager of Coca-Cola Hungary where she brings 15+ years of experience in international business. Prior to this role, she spent 10 years in Coca-Cola structures in Norway and Iceland, holding various executive positions in Marketing, Commercial Operations and General Management.• Before relocating to Nordics, Ewelina worked in Poland – her country of origin – as Digital and Brand Manager in companies such as NIVEA and L’Oreal. She graduated Poznan University of Economics with master’s degree. As a committed female leader, Ewelina believes that fostering diversity unlocks the potential in workplaces, fueling innovation and growth through a multitude of perspectives.

VP of Product, Taxually

“For nearly 15 years, I’ve been dedicated to transforming ideas into digital products and taking them in front of users. I’m familiar with the fintech industry, however, my experience spans a broad spectrum from a large multinational, through a Chinese state-owned company to Silicon Valley startups.

As a true sociologist, whatever I do, I am most intrigued by the human relationships in it. What drives me is the ability to see beneath the surface and understand what happens at a deeper, more interconnected level.

I consider self-reflection my superpower. As a mentor, I eagerly share the lessons my experiences have taught me, both on a professional and personal level. As a coach, I am grateful to have recognized that what is true for me may not necessarily be true for others, and that the good answers are surpassed by great questions.

More: https://orsolyafaludi.carrd.co”

Learning&Development Manager, KPMG Global Service Hungary

I have nearly 14 years of experience in the field of HR, and in the past 4 years, I have held leadership positions in Training & Development. Currently, I am expanding my knowledge through coach studies. I consider the role of leaders crucial, and I believe that by focusing on self-awareness, we can become better individuals and leaders. As a woman, it is especially important for us to work on this aspect to overcome our self-doubt and imposter syndrome. I would like to share my experiences, support each other, and pass this knowledge on. I hope that my experiences inspire others and help them navigate the waves of their careers.

Mentor, Marketing-mentor

I would like to give something back to students, young professionals or career changers who are open to encouragement, inspiration or a methodology to help them succeed in their career or personal life. To think that if I had been helped by a mentor in the way that I now know how, I’m sure I would have done many things differently.

Project manager, Nokia Solutions and Networks Kft.

I’m Zsófi, a firm believer in continuous learning and collaborative support. With a firsthand understanding of the transformative impact of mentorship, I am deeply committed to guiding individuals towards realizing their full potential. Employing a solution-focused approach and embracing the “challenge by choice” methodology, I leverage my active listening skills to foster a supportive environment. By building upon the mentee’s existing skills and achievements, I aim to unearth opportunities for further development and maximize their professional growth. Let’s embark on this journey together, empowering you to soar to new heights of success!

Global Head of People CNS P&E, Nokia

As an experienced human resources leader, I persistently work towards creating inclusive and diverse workplaces where people can collaborate, innovate, and grow personally. Currently, I hold the position of Global Head of People CNS P&E, supporting a business units present in 25 countries where I am responsible for developing and executing HR strategies.

Previously, I worked as the European HR Director at Nokia, where I optimized HR processes across 40 countries and led the digital development of the HR team. I also engaged in EWC negotiations, mediation, talent development, and cultural transformation. Before Nokia, I served as the Global Head of HR and board member at an international law firm for several years. I regularly work as an internal coach and mentor to enable colleagues to fully unfold their potential.

I believe that diversity and different perspectives contribute to innovation and growth. Supporting the nurturing and mentoring of female talent is crucial to me, both in Hungary and internationally. Women can be inspiring leaders, and it is essential to support them throughout their professional careers.

Participating in local and global programs allows me to share my knowledge and experiences and assist others in their professional development. I firmly believe that positive changes can be achieved collectively, and I take pride in being part of this process both within and beyond the workplace.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Expert (DEI), Magyar Telekom Nyrt.

In my career, regardless of my role , I have always worked to build a more inclusive workplace, where all dimensions of diversity are valued (gender, culture, generation, way of thinking, etc.).

I have worked in the public, corporate and civil sector, at Hungarian and multinational companies, in the FMCG, agricultural and telco sector, in local and regional positions, in engineering, communication, sustainability and organizational development. I believe that with my experience and knowledge I can support young female talents to fulfill their careers.

I can learn a lot from each and every human connection, so I’m really looking forward to seeing in what area I will improve thanks to my mentee. 😊

consultant, mentor

I have been in the field for 30 years, during which time I have held leadership positions in various industries in marketing and communications. When I became a leader, mentor programs were not yet a common practice, so I walked that path alone, during which I could get to know myself as a colleague, articulate my own values that define my behavior, and develop my leadership style and motivational toolkit. This is different for everyone, but in recent years I have been fortunate enough to mentor leaders several times and have experienced how much such joint work can help and how much it can shorten the path for the mentee. I would like to be a useful partner within the framework of Egyenlítő Alapítvány for anyone who wants to develop in this area. Although mentoring and coaching are different types of relationships, I can also rely on my coaching qualifications.

CEO, ORGDEsign Management Kft.

Supporting the future of young generation has always been close to my heart, therefore I participated in the program last year as well. Such occasions are also inspiring for me, I can learn a lot from today’s young people. I have gained a lot of experience in the last 25 years, including great experiences and painful learnings. We can talk honestly about career building, becoming a leader, work-life balance, and anything that helps us be the best versions of ourselves!

Pszichológus, HR szakértő

Az ELTE pszichológia szakán végeztem, később egy üzleti iskolában szereztem másoddiplomát.

Több, mint 20 éves HR-vezetői pályafutásom legjelentősebb tapasztalatait a francia székhelyű Sanofi vállalatnál töltöttem. Eleinte a K+F HR csapatát vezettem, majd képzési- és szervezetfejlesztési vezetőként és üzleti partnerként támogattam magyarországi és nemzetközi szervezeteket, végül a Sanofi vénynélküli üzletág közép-kelet-európai régiójának voltam a HR igazgatója. Több szerepkörből is megtapasztaltam a nemzetközi nagyvállalati mátrix-szervezet működését, részt vettem több nagy átszervezésben, vezettem változásmenedzsment projektet, tartottam képzéseket magyarul és angolul, többek között karrierfejlesztési témában is.

Bár a munkám sok örömet szerzett, sok más dolog is érdekelt, évekig tanultam business coachingot, pszichodrámát és teamcoachingot, majd 2019 óta egy nők elleni erőszak áldozatainak fenntartott segélyvonalon önkénteskedek, és önsegítő női csoportokat facilitálok.

2022 vége óta építem az önálló tanácsadói és coaching vállalkozásomat.

Miért szeretnék részt venni?

HR vezetőként is az érdekelt legjobban, hogyan tudunk úgy fejlődni és haladni, hogy abban megtaláljuk a célunkat és az örömünket. Az egyéni erőfeszítéseken és megküzdési képességeken túl viszont nem kellene megfeledkeznünk a társadalmi hatásokról sem. Gyerekkoruk óta eltérő mintákat tanulnak férfiak és nők, akiknek sokszor egymásnak ellentmondó elvárásoknak kell megfelelniük, más előítéletekkel néznek szembe, és rájuk hárul az otthoni és a gondozási munka jelentős része. Ezek a hatások megjelennek a munkahelyeken is, a kiválasztástól az előléptetésig, a rugalmas munkavégzéstől a bérezésig.

Ezzel a szemlélettel nagyon szívesen kapcsolódnék be ebbe a programban, hogy ötvözve a nagyvállalati és civil tapasztalatot támogatni tudjam a nőket egyéni és szakmai fejlődésükben.

Business Development Manager Distributed Power Quality | North | Middle East, Eaton

Sharing experience is essential, and I consider managing and development our young talents as a priority for our economy and our future.

Chief Sales Officer

In the last few years, I have been happy to use my leadership experience to mentor young colleagues. I feel it is important to share knowledge and experience, and it is good to see them develop. Not only do they learn from me, I also try to understand the communication between generations, and in doing so, make my mentors more successful.

Chief Operating Officer, Delta Systems Kft.

Experienced professional both in retail (FMCG) and enterprise business. Competencies in security solutions, consumer electronic, IT, photo, brown and white product groups with a successful track record in various (business development, channel management, procurement, sales and marketing) roles, having a solid technical background.

Currently acting as Chief Operational Officer (COO) at Delta Systems, responsible for HR (2022.02-2023.03), marketing, vendor (partner) management, procurement, warehouse and logistics.

Previously at Tech Data AS (Hungary) acted as partner and channel manager, additionally promoted as Ethics Advisor for the local Hungarian entity. Business planning, event organization were among the additional responsibilities.

Between 2015 and 2020 worked in several different partner manager roles at Microsoft Hungary, in the last two years appointed as Enterprise Channel Manager both for Enterprise Commercial, Enterprise Public Sector (incl. EDU) customers, where being responsible in the One Commercial Partner Team supporting Microsoft Enterprise account teams, by creating and driving connections between Microsoft sellers and partners to deliver Microsoft and additional 3rd party “ISV/ IP” cloud solutions to end customers.

Before joining Microsoft, acted as Purchasing (CPO) and controlling Director at CHS Hungary Kft., leading the different procurement teams achieving double digit growth in sales. Before the journey in the distribution, was leading the marketing team at Media Markt Saturn Holding (Hungary).

Having experience living in Japan, the language skills and relentless positive attitude makes me a person who naturally cooperates with extensive multilingual and multicultural teams located in diverse locations. In my professional career, had the chance building projects from scratch several times (launching new organizations, entering new markets, building new teams), but also had the opportunity to manage organizations with several 100 to over 1000 employees.

I believe in continuous learning and exoperience sharing.

Kovács Ágnes

Vice President, zooplus SE

I am keen to share my experience gained throughout my 30 years of experience at multinational companies. Out of this living 10+ years abroad (CH, DE, CZ). My major functional competencies are general management, marketing, innovation and sales. Mentoring is close to my hear as I am convinced that throughout our career it is important to have supporters. We can save a lot of time and effort if we are consciously building our career. I am keen to provide support on this specifically focused on areas that are relevant for female leaders – as myself is also being a mother.

Executive Coach, Resnik Consulting

I was born Hungarian and have lived in Slovenia for over 20 years. I am the proud mum of two adult daughters and a sweet Staffordshire Bull Terrier named Sunny.

As an avid outdoorsman, I love jogging, horseback riding, and walking my dog.

Having gained over 25 years of senior leadership experience in a global corporate environment (mainly in HR, sales, and general management), I decided to radically change my career to support others in corporate leadership.

Today, I am an executive coach, accredited by the International Coaching Federation, with over 1500 coaching hours. I teach Leadership and related subjects to Master’s students of Economics and International Business at the University of Ljubljana. My comfort zone is books. I firmly believe in life-long learning.

I love handing over the knowledge and experience I have gained. It is thrilling when somebody is interested in it, and you can see the person’s development while they are working with you.


Senior ERP Consultant – client-side specialist, Founder, CEO @ Norex ERP
Founder, Magyar DigiLean Egyesület

I have got 27 years experience in IT and Management consulting business.
130+ ERP and digitalization projects.
I had worked both in sales, pre-sales and consulting role, in the last 20 years mostly in leader position.
I had experience to work in effective way in small, medium Hungarian or multinational (BIG4) organizations, too.

Major fields of management experience:
– Business set up and management
– Digital strategy
– Project management / project portfolio management
– People management
– ERP consulting – independent consultant (HR, CRM, Manufacturing etc.)
– Management (mostly BPR) consulting

Through understanding of the IT and BPR consulting business with knowledge of actual market tendencies and needs in several client segments: Multinational and local companies, manufacturing and Professional services, public and private sector.
I have organized many civil actions in recent years, I am also active in the field of charity and community building. I have a women’s community of 220 people, we are now launching a private B2b Women’s mastermind community.

Business & Life Coach – Lászki Gyula Coach

My third diploma has been about The Role of Communication in Business. I have early recognized in my college years that I want to work with people. I worked ten years in the corporate world mainly for International, mainly American firms. I have first hand personal and business experience with many different nationalities and travelled the World gaining worthy knowledge. Twenty-one years ago I founded my own training company and fourteen years ago I joined one of the largest International Organizational Development firm FranklinCovey in Hungary. I have thought around a thousand people here and abroad how to become more effective in their professional and personal lives. For three years now I have also been coaching leaders and entrepreneurs. As a sportsman myself and as a personal social responsibility I coach young sportsmen to overcome their mental obstacles and so achieve better results. Over the decades in my professional career I have recognized that we do not realize our blind spots and with the help of a professional consultant, coach, leader or partner can help us develop ourselves and become better in every area of our lives. My passion is to help others with my wide experience and encourage them to discover the hidden treasures within themselves.

VP HR – Haldex / SAF-HOLLAND Group

I have 20+ years of experience in the field of HR, People and Culture. With my background as an economist and my hands-on, open, and curious approach my main motivation is to drive improvement and excellence in business. I have implemented people strategies and processes with Inclusion and Diversity focus throughout the full employee lifecycle in manufacturing, engineering and technology companies, and supported several initiatives to break down systemic barriers also in my private life. As a mother of two girls my vision is a world where everyone can build on their talent and live a happy and fulfilling life. Besides being thankful for all the mentors, coaches and allies that helped me throughout my life, I also would like to pay it forward and share my experience with others. I have found mentoring really efficient in this area, and I am looking forward to learning other perspectives and being challenged by the mentees.

Marketing and Communications Director – KPMG Hungary

I have been working in the area of communication, branding for business, non-profits, cultural entities and their “meeting points”. I am a strong beliver of the collaboration of these domains. As a Head of the Advisory Board of Egyenlítő Foundation I feel my responsibilty to share my knowledge and experience.


During decades of working in large corporations and central government, I have been fortunate to have had mentors who have shaped my career. They have passed on their knowledge and set standards and examples of humanity, ethics and professionalism. As a leader, I have strived to do the same and to pass on this considerable experience to my colleagues, and together as a team we have achieved decisive results. As a lawyer, I also aim to transfer knowledge and create value. As a mentor, I can give back to future generations what I have gained in my career.


Head of E&P Business Support, Commercial and Authority relations, MOL Nyrt.

I have always had a burning desire to work in the Oil and Gas industry, however, I have never wanted to be an engineer. 8 years ago MOL gave me an oppurtunity, and still I wanted to be an important part of this ‘big family’ and create something not yet existing in the Hungarian Oil company.

My fascination with business and the ownership I feel for the company motivated me to move from expert roles to managerial.I enjoy working with others and leading teams because I truly believe we are stronger together. In my opinion women face significant challenges in the energy industry. The most significant aspect of understanding this method is that I took on a new “task” eight months ago when my husband and I became parents.

To be honest, leading a project or managing a team in this manner is, if not easy, then at least simpler. In this capacity, I learn the most about patience, human connections, me, and how to support my family, and I enjoy the “challenge.” Basically, I consider myself a joyful and colourful person whose favourite saying is I will do it! After focusing entirely on work for the past few years, I want to pay back by sharing what I’ve learned, experience, and personal energies.

I hope to have the qualities of an on-call doctor, a 5-year-old’s curiosity, a firefighter’s calm problem-solving skills, Matt Damon’s independence in Rescue Expedition, and chameleon-like flexibility.

Managing Director, Head of the Budapest Office, Global Head of Financial Engineering, MSCI

I am 35 years old, mother of 3 kids – 2 boys and a girl. I have been working for 11 years at MSCI, a provider of investment decision supporting tools for the global investment community. I am currently a Managing Director, head of the global Financial Engineering function, and I also lead MSCI’s Budapest office of more than 500 people. In my global role, I have a team of 50 people from all over the world, from Hong Kong to India to America. At the same time, as the head of the Budapest office, my main task is the growth in Hungary, the retention and motivation of Budapest colleagues. I regularly represent MSCI at conferences, CEO forums, events of HBLF, AmCham and other organizations. I am often asked how I manage my day-to-day responsibilities as a working mother when I hold full-time, high-responsibility management positions, and still manage to find time for free tie activities and sports. I would like that to stop being a question and become natural. To get there, we need to talk about everyday challenges and support each other.

Leadership coach, trainer, HR consultant

I am a people-oriented HR professional with coaching approach.

I have 15 years of experience at international companies, including nearly 10 years of experience as HR manager at an American-owned manufacturing company. In the last 8 years I have been involved in the leadership development programs at manufacturing, service and telecommunication companies and supermarket chains. I support my clients looking for their professional path in rethinking and redesigning their careers, and in finding their solution, the steps which are necessary for change. It is a great pleasure for me to help people discover their strengths, superpowers and develop their skills with the creative tools of coaching, mentoring and training, so that they can find their real selves and achieve balance in their lives.

My motto: “”Are you brave enough to change?”

Fortis Consulting Kft. 

When I became the marketing manager of a large international financial company 25 years ago, I had no model for how to be a good “woman leader”, nor any support to do so. There was only one way, the way of men, and I did it heroically, but I was burnt out by the end. The world has come a long way since then, but the ‘one of the boys’ theory still holds sway in many places, which means that if you want to be successful, you have to assimilate. I know that there is another way, where we can build on our female qualities to become successful by building cooperation, tolerance and trust. I am keen to support young, talented women and, as many of my current clients are women in senior positions, I have experience of the challenges faced by them. English is my working language, so I am happy to take on foreign candidates.

PR leader, Erste

I am Linda Muranyi, leading Erste’s PR for 10 years. I deal with media relations, internal communications and events. We are building the same brand at the end of the day, whatever communication activities we are doing. That’s one of the reasons why my job is so interesting and colorful. As a leader I am continously learning how to get out the best of me and my team. I applied to be a mentor as I am happy to have converstations, talk about my experiences, giving insights how to become better and better being in a leader position, as a woman leader.

East Europe IceCream HR Lead, Unilever

Annamaria Nagy (she/her), having around 20 years experience in HR, leader, multi-soldier, mother, cat-mother, writer, charity-shop owner, evergreen (sometimes far too) optimistic.

I consider myself a really lucky person, but you know it’s not just because I am a born-lucky, but I went after it, I worked for it, hence I ended up here. I love my profession, and I think my job also loves me. I worked for such amazing companies (like Mars, PwC, Unilever), where I can (partially or entirely) live my purpose – Rebel for the better, I’ve always had a chance to develop, to grow and meet with fantastic people all over the world.

I always working on something in my head, I am fueled by innovation, by creation, I love the diversity of humankind and I admire the new generation – including my 2 wonderful kids.

I’ve already had many mentees, I was enjoying so much our common, mutual development path, always so much to give and get, and always keep the friendship.

I think the future is now.
„Noone can do everything, but everybody can do something” (Max Lucado)

professor, Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

I have been researching and teaching about the challenges of women’s career progression for many years. I feel that it is time to transfer my theoretical knowledge not only in the classroom or in presentations to companies, but also to my mentees.

Erika Nemethi Consulting at Human Dynamix Network Kft.

Mentoring young female leaders is a heartfelt activity for me. Their ability to influence growth will level how balanced, compelling, and diversity-friendly culture is offered by a company.

With years of global and international company operating experience, and board membership in highly complex organizations, I am providing individual coaching and mentoring focused on executive growth, development of an authentic leadership brand and the ability to lead transformation and manage change. Includes preparing future/rising executives to meet business goals and become inspiring leaders.

Head of Human Resources – Linde Gáz Magyarország Zrt.

As a young leader I always kept important the more experienced leaders’ opinions and directions. Those facts that not to be lost in the details, to be able to see the big picture or how to decrease the emotional part in my way of thinking can be partly thanked to these people. During the years I became a coach and also had personal coachings to develop myself further. I honour the youth really much and would like to support them to manage their personal goals. We need them really much, we can develop together, while completing eachother.

Chief Sales & Marketing Officer, Growww Digital Kft.

HR director – UNION Biztosító

I have 25+ years of experience as a parent and a HR manager. I have experienced a multitide of situations, has been in lots personal and professional dilammas and seen lots of solutions. I have been very fortunate with so many people supporting me on my way. Now I would like to be one of the supporters.

CFO, KalászNet Kft

I spent the last 20 years at Magyar Telekom and its subsidiaries. I started as a trainee and soon gained experience abroad, working as a controlling consultant in Macedonia for one and a half years. After 4-5 years of maternity leave, I had 2 children, aged 17-19 years old. Since 2009, when I returned, I worked in controlling and in 2016 I became the CFO of one of the subsidiaries. I consider myself a multifaceted and broad-minded person. I am very interested in people, and as a leader I really enjoy dealing with people in addition to my professional tasks. In my spare time I love to read, and since last year I’ve also been a hiking leader, spending weekends with my team and relaxing in nature.

Professional accredited business coach, Corporate culture developer and designer, Communications and employer branding strategist

With more than 20 years professional experience in the field of PR&coms, marketing, sustainability-CSR in various industries like consultancy, ICT, financial services, and startup-innovation sectors. I have support several multinational companies, NGOs to continuously strengthen and improve their corporate and employer image, reputation, and communication, and launch sustainability and corporate volunteering projects. My commitment to encourage individuals, teams, and organizations to find inspiration, motivation, goals and take the first step towards change. I would like to join the mentor program because I would like realize full potential of my mentee and be the personal case study shows the shortcut of the career ladder.

People Leader, Innovation fan, Senior Human Resources Executive, Consultant, Executive Coach, Team Coach

I have been working in various “people” and organisational development roles since my university years. At university, I was national vice president HR at the international student organisation, AIESEC. After that, I worked as an organizational development consultant, followed by regional and local people leadership positions. I was HR director for both Pepsi and CIB Bank. I became executive board member at Pepsi at the age of 30, being the only woman in the board (and also the youngest person).

Currently, I work as an HR and organisational development consultant, coach, team coach and mentor at my own company. Supporting women to reach their envisioned leadership positions and thrive there is my passion.

As a mother of four children (3 girls and 1 boy), I know that this is often not easy and involves painful compromises. It is crucial for women to believe in themselves and their worth, equal to their male colleagues, which is often easier said than done. I raise my daughters in this spirit from their young age, and it brings me joy to see them excel in fields often perceived as “masculine” by many.

CEO, BeeCorp Studio Kft.

For 18 years, I have been building my own and other entrepreneurs’ dreams, we build profitable businesses that support families from the idea. For 10 years, with my own company, we have been researching the problems of startups and stalled companies, and with a multinational approach and knowledge base, we help our micro, small, medium, and large business partners with our diverse knowledge and 360-degree perspective. Our customers are real people found in all segments, who learn from mistakes and are able to rebuild themselves and their ideas resiliently. I help them in this, since I also know tools and automations that make everyday life easier and help to create a balanced, happy entrepreneurial life. As a mother and an entrepreneur, I know the problems of female entrepreneurs and I know that every woman needs a strong mentor who shows both sides of the coin, helps to accept that a day consists of 24 hours, but we can still be “at the head of a happy court, happy queens” in the life of our business and family.

business coach (MCC), team and organizational coach, coach-trainer, PCC marker assessor, facilitator, Co-Create Kft

I truly believe my expertise and experience can be a great asset for the program. I am experienced as a coach, mentor, developed several skills in Hungary as well as abroad. In my career I have worked a lot on different aspects of making workplaces diverse and creating equal opportunities (e.g. coaching female leaders from all over the country, being a diversity-equity-inclusion coach in an international project, developing teams to create an inclusive team climate, etc.) Though as an entrepreneur I am quite busy with different development projects, I am happy to create time and space for this activity.

Medium and Corporate Accounts Lead, Microsoft Central Europe Regional, Microsoft Magyarország

Sales leader at Microsoft, covering multi-sub area within Central Europe and Central Asia. Previous experience: member of Microsoft Marketing & Operations team in Central and Eastern Europe for 4.5 years, responsible for driving Microsoft Teams initiatives for 1.5 years and driving Modern Work (M365) business for medium size companies prior to that. I joined Microsoft in 2015 and started in DX as Audience Evangelism Manager responsible for STEM students, Developer communities and marketing activities. I have communications industry background and moved into IT to find answers to many questions I had during my time as Digital and Business Development Director at Publicis Media Hungary. During my time at Publicis I was looking at challenges companies were facing that were much broader than digitizing their communications, but also leaped into digitizing their business processes altogether, so I became even more passionate about automation and AI. During these 20+ years I managed to work with a variety of customers from different industries, including pharmaceuticals, car industry, FMCG, retail, telecommunication and finance.
I am a working mum and my favorite social topic is work-life balance and how I manage my family time and still stay productive at work.

Director Public Affairs, Communications and Sustainability (PACS) at The Coca-Cola Company

Regional Lead, HRC Group

Everyone has some guiding principle in their life that shapes their decisions. For me, that guiding principle is to make the world a better place, people happier, processes smoother, and the corporate environment more people-focused. This is what I’ve strived for in everything I’ve done: as a maths teacher, as an office manager, as a trainer and now as the head of HRC Group’s Budapest Region. What I love about my job is seeing the smiling faces of our partners and employees when we help solve a burning problem.

Mentor for Career Entrants

As the founder of the Career Steps Mentoring Programme, I am passionate about professional development and successful career building.

Drawing on my 15 years of HR, career and business mentoring experience, I support professionals and leaders in taking their careers to the next level.
My mission is to help them find and achieve the career path they have always wanted.

I bring a rich perspective to the mentoring process through my diverse experience of 10+ years at UNICEF, HR consultancies and in the commercial sector. I am convinced that everyone has an individual journey that, if embarked upon, can achieve their wildest dreams, thus fulfilling their professional and personal lives.

As a mentor, I am motivated by this dedication:
I believe that through my guidance I can make a real, lasting difference, accelerate progress and witness my mentors take control of their careers.

Living in Mexico for the past three years, I have experienced the ups and downs of adapting to a new environment. This experience has taught me that nothing is impossible, and with determination and action, one can achieve their goals.

Consultant, PeakWorkInsight

My name is Andrea Vértesi, I am happy to participate in the mentoring program. I have been working as HR manager for decades in various industries, including multinational companies, SMEs, pharmaceuticals and IT, as well worked in work, organization and sports psychology, focusing on mental well-being.

Over the years, I have gained extensive experience in understanding work environments, analyzing organizational dynamics, and developing people.
I have worked with leaders of many different nationalities, personalities and styles, experiencing companies flourishing, changing and declining. During this time, I have strengthened my belief that partnership, listening, and striving for win-win solutions are the way to support the other, the group and the organization.

Winkler Zsolt J., régiós marketing vezető (4CE B2B Marketing manager) – Canon Hungária Kft.

Több mint 20 éve dolgozom marketing területen multinacionális cégeknél (kis kitérővel), közel 10 éve vezetőként. Saját karrierem építése közben és vezetőként is azt tapasztalom, hogy a karrierjük építése iránt elkötelezett szakemberek támogatása, mentorálása komoly segítség a szakami sikerek elérésében. Jelenleg a csapatom 90% nő, napi szinten látom mivel kell megküzdeniük, próbálom őket támogatni. Ezt és 20 évnyi multinacionális környezetben szerzett tapasztalatot tudom behozni a programba, ahol reményeim szerint én is új tudással fogok gazdagodni.