Marietta Lili Szabó


Marietta Lili Szabó  has been strengthening Green Fox’s B2B division as a Key Account
Manager since February 2022. In addition to nurturing partner relationships, she collaborates
with the B2B team to support customer needs through corporate IT trainings and corporate
bootcamps. What she enjoys most in her work is when she can initiate joint training programs
with a partner where career changers are more diverse or underrepresented in the IT sector,
such as programming courses for mothers with young children, individuals with disabilities, or
even launching a developer class specifically composed of women. Prior to joining the Green
Fox Academy, she worked as an Account Manager at one of Europe’s largest IT job advertising
websites and served as a Project Manager for several years, overseeing the online customer
service, sales teams for multiple Hungarian banks and financial service providers. Currently, she
also works as a metalsmith and jewelry designer on the side.